Cristiano Gregnanin

Coding with in Italy

Hi, my name is Cristiano

a twenty seven year-old Software engineer. I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Computer Sciences, from the University of Ferrara in Italy. I have a passion for creating challenging, intuitive and beautiful products.

Coding is not just a job for me, it is a passion.

I am always motivated by creating simple and beautiful digital services. Quality is not an option.


Spree Commerce Consulting

I can project and build your own E-commerce web application, migrate your existing shop, integrate with back-end systems, and improve the customer's experience.

Ruby on Rails Development

I am passionate about Rails and I can create web 2.0 applications by using latest Ruby on Rails web services. I am committed to providing my clients with sustainable solutions, quality services and superior support for this latest and well-known open-source technology.

Android Development

I offer not only the mobile app development services but also the consultancy in terms of development optimization, marketing and overall app business consultancy


Ruby on Rails
css3 html5
Twitter Bootstrap


Last from blog

Sending email from your static site

Last year I have moved my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll platform. Jekyll is a parsing engine bundled as a ruby gem used to build static websites from dynamic components... Read more...

Use Rspec and Capybara to test non Rails applications

I am a Ruby programmer, but sometimes I need to test the behaviour of non Ruby web applications. In the last year I have developed over Social Engine, a social... Read more...

Spree Commerce the 100% opensource e-commerce

Spree, aims to provide a solid framework for Rails developers to create engaging e-commerce solutions. Spree is useful to build the next generation e-commerce web application. No solution will satisfy... Read more...